Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Is this it for britishness?


The King’s Own Scottish Borderers parade in the grounds of Holyrood Palace, Edinburgh.

Hull- to the edge of doom and back again...


A fisherman on the River Humber alongside the Alexandra Dock in Hull.

Hull’s Alexandra Dock is set to be transformed into Green Port Hull, a huge offshore wind turbine assembly and export facility.

To Hull and back

Japanese culture under threat....

Japanese culture at risk from the whaling ban....



Japan's scientific whaling programme

Off to Timbuktu- not for much longer!!! An ancient landscape and culture under threat from Desertification


http://www.theguardian.com/cities/gallery/2014/sep/16/-sp-timbuktu-portrait-of-a-city-on-the-edge-of-existence-in-pictures picture essay

Timbuktu's open-air abattoir

A real shame, one of the great ancient civilisations is under threat from desertification!

Are they deliberately drowning migrants?!!!


Migrants rescued by Italian navy

impacts of illegal migration from Africa to Europe!
Now Africans are being deliberately drowned!!

Clean air deprivation in the UK


Car exhaust

is the UK deprived of clean air

Car exhaust

Amazon rainforest destruction increases......again!!!!


Area cleared of trees in the Anapu region in northern Brazil (04/2005)

Deforestation in the Amazon up 29% in the 12 months to July 2013

China marches on.....


 China marches on- it is now creating land in the sea

A look at how one of the world's poorest nations Malawi has met the Millenium development goal of reducing child mortality.
A look at how they are managing their population too.

The place where most of the descendants are from 1 man.....


Palmerston island map

An amazing article on an isolated culture in the middle of the Pacific ocean- ships only stop by every 6 months